Sediment and Erosion Control
Notice given by: Councillor Killick
That the Storm-007 Sediment and Erosion Control remove $3,059,000 from 2023 10 Year Utility RMR Capital Plan.
Administration’s Understanding of the Intent of the Motion:
This motion appears eliminate the funding for the 2023 portion only of the Sediment and Erosion Control (Storm-007) program from the 10 Year Utility RMR Capital Plan
Operational or Organizational Impacts if Motion is Approved:
Sediment and debris from these outfall locations would continue to accumulate in the Sturgeon River. The input of sediment and other debris constitutes an input of a “deleterious substance”, which is an illegal activity under the federal Fisheries Act and would put the City at risk of large penalties for endangering fish populations in the Sturgeon River.
Sediment input smothers fish eggs, harms invertebrates, makes predation difficult due to murky water, damages fish habitat and increases the input of nutrients to the river. More nutrient inputs lead to declines in water quality and increased aquatic plant and algae growth, leading to declining oxygen levels and mass fish kills. Sediments can also be associated with heavy metals that are toxic to the aquatic environment. In addition to being a federal offence, contamination of other contaminants such as hydrocarbons can lead to substantial penalties under the provincial Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act.
Through our internal water quality monitoring program, we can see that the installation of oil and grit interceptors makes a notable difference to water quality in the river. It is the City’s due diligence to maintain this program, and minimize our impacts to the Sturgeon River, which is already ecologically impaired. The Government of Alberta has defined guidelines for stormwater quality release, which we have an obligation to meet. The most efficient and e...
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