Bylaw 20/2021 - Riverside Stage 33 Redistricting (1st Reading)
Presented by: Tracy Tsui, Planner, Planning & Development
1. That Bylaw 20/2021, being amendment 194 to Land Use Bylaw 9/2005, be read a first time.
2. That the Public Hearing for Bylaw 20/2021 be scheduled for June 21, 2021.
The purpose of the report is to outline the proposed amendments to Schedule A of the Land Use Bylaw 9/2005 within the neighbourhood of Riverside, from Urban Reserve (UR) to Residential (RX), Residential Lane (RXL), Medium Density Residential (R3A), and Public Park (P).
St. Albert Council Strategic Plan
Strategic Priority #5: Housing: Enhance housing options.
• Facilitate an increase in the variety of housing types in St. Albert to respond to market demands and accommodate the diverse needs of residents.
Service Component
Current Planning Application Processing:
• Processing and coordination of the approval of statutory plans and amendments, subdivision, and condominiums applications.
Municipal Government Act (MGA)
Section 692(1) of the Municipal Government Act requires that the subject matter of this report go to Council, and that a public hearing be held.
Municipal Development Plan (MDP)
The application was submitted when CityPlan 2007 was the City’s Municipal Development Plan; therefore, the application was reviewed under CityPlan. The subject area is designated as Residential in CityPlan.
The application was also reviewed under the City’s proposed new MDP, Flourish, which had its public hearing open on March 15, 2021, and was subsequently adjourned to April 19, 2021. On April 19, 2021, Council voted unanimously to adopt Flourish as the Municipal Development Plan, repealing and replacing City Plan in the process. The application is generally consistent with Flourish. The designation of this area on Flourish Map 3, Urban Structure and General Land Use, is Neighbourhoods.
The definition of Neighbourhoods means, “predominantly residential areas, as identified on Map 3, made up of low-rise housing, along with schools, parks, shops, and services. Many existing Neighbourhoods will evolve by adding new housing that respects the established character, while new Neighbourhoods will include a greater variety of housing types.”
Riverside Area Structure Plan (ASP)
The amendment generally conforms with the Riverside Area Structure Plan Bylaw 1/2012, as amended March 16, 2020, which shows the subject area as low density residential, medium density residential, and park.
Select Engineering Consultants Ltd. on behalf of Genstar Titleco Ltd., submitted an application to amend Schedule A of the Land Use Bylaw 9/2005. The proposed redistricting, which encompasses a total area of 21.0 hectares ± (51.9 acres ±), is located in the northern area of the Riverside neighbourhood, bounded by the Canadian National Railway to the north, and McKenney Avenue to the south. Access to the subject area will be from Raspberry Road, Red Crest Way, and Redspur Drive. Please see the attached Bylaw 20/2021 and Location Map.
The legal descriptions and municipal addresses for the lands proposed for redistricting are:
• Plan 6079MC for a portion of Hogan Road.
• Plan 152 4950, Block 5, Lot 3 with municipal address, 3 Genstar Annex.
• Plan 152 4950, Block 5, Lot 4 with municipal address, 4 Genstar Annex.
The current land use district for the subject areas, as shown in the Land Use Bylaw, is the Urban Reserve (UR) District. The Urban Reserve District is a holding district until urban development occurs on the land. The redistricting of the subject area is from UR to the following proposed land use districts:
• Residential (RX)
• Residential Lane (RXL)
• Medium Density Residential (R3A)
• Public Park (P)
Park Site
The proposed size and shape of the park site within this redistricting application, generally conforms to the Riverside ASP. Please see the attached Riverside ASP - Municipal Reserve.
The proposed size appears to be slightly bigger, and the proposed shape is less irregular, with increased street frontage, than it is shown in the Riverside ASP. Recreation & Parks has no concerns with the proposed shape, however, concerns were raised should this park size increase and result in a decrease in size of the remaining parks not yet subdivided. For example, any changes to the Conservation Park in the south of Riverside ASP, should be assessed for impacts to the existing tree stand, as it is already at its reduced size from the original ASP and its natural state would be difficult to maintain.
The park size within this redistricting application will be determined at the time of a subdivision application, which has not yet been submitted. Changes are to be reflected in an update to the Riverside ASP.
Former Hogan Road Lands
A strip of land within the western part of the subject area was the former Hogan Road (Plan 6079MC). Hogan Road has been closed by Bylaw 1/2007, please see the attached Aerial Map. The lands are still city-owned and a land transaction agreement will be required between the City and land developer prior to the subdivision of those lands, or as a condition of subdivision. A subdivision application has not yet been submitted for the lands formerly used as Hogan Road.
The proposed redistricting was circulated on February 2, 2021, to internal departments, external referral agencies, and property owners within a 100-metre radius. There were no objections.
The public hearing is scheduled for June 21, 2021, and notice of the public hearing will be provided through the City website, Citylights advertisements on June 2, 2021 and June 9, 2021, and a notification letter about the public hearing mailed out to property owners within a 100-metre radius.
None at this time.
Legal / Risk:
None at this time.
Program or Service:
As the neighbourhood develops, there will be incremental impacts to the City and various departments. For example:
• Public Works will have more roads, pipes, storm water management facilities, and parks to maintain.
• Emergency Medical Services will have a new area to service for fire, enforcement, police, and ambulance.
• Recreation & Parks will have to provide recreation amenities.
• Engineering Services will have engineering plans and development agreements to review, and inspections of infrastructure.
• Planning and Development will have subdivision plans and development permits to review.
• Safety Codes will have building plans to review and buildings to inspect.
• Transit will have to provide service to the neighbourhood.
• There are other areas of the City that will also be impacted by servicing a new neighbourhood.
To enable development, Planning and Engineering will be required to review subdivision plans and engineering drawings, as well as negotiate development agreements. Various departments will need to conduct inspections and be involved in meetings with the developer/consultants.
If Council does not wish to support the recommendation, the following alternative could be considered:
• Defeat first reading of Bylaw 20/2021 for the redistricting of Riverside Stage 33.
• An implication would be that the applicant cannot re-apply within six months. This would also mean that the proposed residential development within the new districts would miss the upcoming building season.
Report Date: May 17, 2021
Author: Tracy Tsui, Planner
Department: Planning & Development
Deputy Chief Administrative Officer: Kerry Hilts
Chief Administrative Officer: Kevin Scoble